Zody is a mobile application, builds by new recognition technology, users simply install, and turn on the apps when entered the store, immediately it will be built as a membership card points, and also stores collect customer information through a CRM system that provides Zody. From there, the CRM system will automatically analyze Zody customer behavior, making the customer care solutions and the most effective marketing for your store.

  • Zody is a product supplies the solutions of customer care and it replaces the membership card.
  • Automatic check-in area points upon entering the shop
  • Collect customer data
  • Marketing automation based on customer data.
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Remind customers to shop more frequently back.

Why choose to invest in Zody ?

  • Potential markets, no competition  on is big enough hold the majority market.
  • Product solutions easy to use and convenient to both locations and users.
  • The founder has over 4 years experience in F & B with the community more than 600,000 food like on Facebook at SE, Saigon.
  • Products had revenues, customers pay usage fees.
  • Strong technology platform, confidence extended to millions of users.

Source: DaNang IncubatorDaNang Incubator


